Genetom Chess Engine - Flutter 🚀
Welcome to the Genetom Chess Engine project! This engine supports both player vs player and player vs computer modes, providing a seamless chess playing experience.
Demo 🎥
Check out the demo of the Genetom Chess Engine in action: Demo Link
Features 🌟
- Play chess against another player or challenge the computer.
- The computer evaluates all possible moves to provide a challenging opponent.
- Clean and intuitive user interface built with Flutter.
Usage 🎮
//Configuration for the Engine
ChessConfig config = ChessConfig(
fenString: fenInput,
isPlayerAWhite: isPlayerWhite,
difficulty: Difficulty.medium);
//Initializing the Engine
ChessEngine chessEngine = ChessEngine(
pawnPromotion: (isWhitePawn, targetPosition) {
// This will trigger whenever a pawn promotion happens.
piece = ChessPiece.queen;
chessEngine.setPawnPromotion(targetPosition, piece);
boardChangeCallback: (newData) {
// This will call whenever the boar data updates.
gameOverCallback: (gameStatus) {
// This will trigger whenever the game ends (WhiteWins or BlackWins or Draw).
Exposed Methods and Uses 📚
Here's a list of exposed methods/callbacks along with their uses:
Method/Callback | Description |
boardChangeCallback(newBoardData) |
This call back will trigger whenever there is a change in the board |
gameOverCallback(gameOverStatus) |
This call back will trigger whenever the game over, and it contains the data about the game over (WhiteWins, BlackWins, Draw) |
pawnPromotion(isWhitePiece,pawnPosition) |
This will trigger when a pawn promotion happens. |
getHalfMoveClock() |
Return the Half move Clock - Typically return int. |
getFullMoveNumber() |
Return Full move number for the game. |
getBoardData() |
This will return the current board data which is of type List<List |
getMovesLogsData() |
This will return the move logs, So we can implement Undo move. |
generateBestMove() |
This will calculate the possible move of all the elements in the board, and based on difficulty it will return the best possible move. |
generateRandomMove() |
This will generate a random legal move. |
getValidMovesOfPeiceByPosition(board,pos) |
By taking the board and position of a piece by input, It will return all the possible legal moves. |
setPawnPromotion(pos,piece) |
Can use this to set pawn promotion. |
movePiece(move) |
By having the move, This will perform the movement of piece in the board. |
getFenString(isWhiteTurn) |
This will get the current board posoition in the format of FEN string. |
setFenString(fenStr) |
This will take the FEN string as Input and Initialize the board according to that. |
isValidFEN(fenStr) |
Take a string as input and return true if it is a valid FEN. |
Contact Me 📬
Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries or collaborations:
📧 Email:
Get Started 🚀
- Clone this repository.
- Open the project in your preferred Flutter development environment.
- Run the project on your emulator or physical device or in browser.
- Start playing chess!
Contribution 🤝
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests to help improve this project.
License 📄
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.