Genetom Chess Engine - Flutter 🚀

Welcome to the Genetom Chess Engine project! This engine supports both player vs player and player vs computer modes, providing a seamless chess playing experience.

Demo 🎥

Check out the demo of the Genetom Chess Engine in action: Demo Link

Chess Engine Demo

Features 🌟

  • Play chess against another player or challenge the computer.
  • The computer evaluates all possible moves to provide a challenging opponent.
  • Clean and intuitive user interface built with Flutter.

Usage 🎮

//Configuration for the Engine
ChessConfig config = ChessConfig(
        fenString: fenInput,
        isPlayerAWhite: isPlayerWhite,
        difficulty: Difficulty.medium);

//Initializing the Engine
ChessEngine chessEngine = ChessEngine(
      pawnPromotion: (isWhitePawn, targetPosition) {
        // This will trigger whenever a pawn promotion happens.
        piece = ChessPiece.queen;
        chessEngine.setPawnPromotion(targetPosition, piece);
      boardChangeCallback: (newData) {
        // This will call whenever the boar data updates.
      gameOverCallback: (gameStatus) {
        // This will trigger whenever the game ends (WhiteWins or BlackWins or Draw).

Exposed Methods and Uses 📚

Here's a list of exposed methods/callbacks along with their uses:

Method/Callback Description
boardChangeCallback(newBoardData) This call back will trigger whenever there is a change in the board
gameOverCallback(gameOverStatus) This call back will trigger whenever the game over, and it contains the data about the game over (WhiteWins, BlackWins, Draw)
pawnPromotion(isWhitePiece,pawnPosition) This will trigger when a pawn promotion happens.
getHalfMoveClock() Return the Half move Clock - Typically return int.
getFullMoveNumber() Return Full move number for the game.
getBoardData() This will return the current board data which is of type List<List
getMovesLogsData() This will return the move logs, So we can implement Undo move.
generateBestMove() This will calculate the possible move of all the elements in the board, and based on difficulty it will return the best possible move.
generateRandomMove() This will generate a random legal move.
getValidMovesOfPeiceByPosition(board,pos) By taking the board and position of a piece by input, It will return all the possible legal moves.
setPawnPromotion(pos,piece) Can use this to set pawn promotion.
movePiece(move) By having the move, This will perform the movement of piece in the board.
getFenString(isWhiteTurn) This will get the current board posoition in the format of FEN string.
setFenString(fenStr) This will take the FEN string as Input and Initialize the board according to that.
isValidFEN(fenStr) Take a string as input and return true if it is a valid FEN.

Contact Me 📬

Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries or collaborations:

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🔗 My LinkedIn

📧 Email:

Get Started 🚀

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Open the project in your preferred Flutter development environment.
  3. Run the project on your emulator or physical device or in browser.
  4. Start playing chess!

Contribution 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests to help improve this project.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.