
A package that simulates a Genetic Evolutionary Algorithm among its generations.

Table of Contents

Basic Usage

First, you must define your own GeneService, describing the Genes within a DNA strand. Notice that we are defining a Gene to be of type <String>.

class MyGeneService extends GeneService<String> {

Then, you must define your own FitnessService, describing how well an Entity's DNA performs.

class MyFitnessService extends FitnessService<String> {

Next, you can initialize a GeneticEvolution object.

GeneticEvolution geneticEvolution = GeneticEvolution(
      geneticEvolutionConfig: GeneticEvolutionConfig(
        numGenes: 10,
        mutationRate: 0.25
      fitnessService: MyFitnessService(),
      geneService: MyGeneService(),

And finally, you can get the next generation using nextGeneration().

Generation generation = await geneticEvolution.nextGeneration();


Simple Word Example

The code for this Word example can be found in the /example/word_example folder (here).

Intermediate Color Contrast Example

The code for this Color Contrast example can be found in the /example/color_contrast_example folder (here).


File Parsing

You can write specific generations to a file, and similarly read in specific generations stored on a file.

First, define your own JsonConverter. (This class describes how to convert objects of Type <T> to and from JSON)

// Type <T> is Type <String> in this example
class GeneJsonConverter extends JsonConverter<String, Map<String, dynamic>> {
  fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return json['text'];

  toJson(String object) {
    return {'text': object};

Next, define your FileParser object based on your above JsonConverter.

final fileParser = FileParser<String>(
  geneJsonConverter: GeneJsonConverter(),

Include this fileParser within the GeneticEvolution constructor.

final geneticEvolution = GeneticEvolution(
  fileParser: fileParser,
  ... // other params go here

Now, you can write the current Generation to a file.


Lastly, you can load in a specific Generation read from a file.

geneticEvolution.loadGenerationFromFile(wave: 10);

