general_flutter library
- CameraTakePictureData
- CameraWidget
- GamePadControllerData
- GamePadControllerEventData
- Represents a single "input" listened from a gamepad, i.e. a particular change on the state of the buttons and keys.
- GeneralFlutter
- GeneralFlutter
- GeneralLibrary
- GeneralLibraryAppBase
- GeneralLibraryAppBaseFlutter
- GeneralLibraryBaseCore
- GeneralLibraryCameraBaseFlutter
- GeneralLibraryGamePadBase
- GeneralLibraryLocalAuthBase
- GeneralLibraryLocalAuthBaseFlutter
- GeneralLibraryPermissionBase
- GeneralLibraryPlayerBase
- GeneralLibraryPlayerControllerBase
- GeneralLibraryPlayerMediaBase
- GeneralLibraryPlayerPlayableBase
- GeneralLibraryPlayerPlayListBase
- GeneralLibrarySimCardBase
- GeneralLibrarySmsBase
- GeneralLibrarySpeechToTextBase
- GeneralLibraryTextToSpeechBase
- PlayerWidget
- SimCardInfoData
- SmsContactInfoData
- SmsMessageInfoData
- SmsPhotoInfoData
- SmsThreadInfoData
- GamePadControllerEventKeyType
- What type of input is being pressed.
- GamePadStatusType
- Indicates the current battery state.
- GeneralLibraryAppDeviceOrientationType
- Used by SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations.
- ListenModeType
- Describes the goal of your speech recognition to the system.
- PermissionType
- Indicates the current battery state.