
GenArch is a command-line utility designed to facilitate Flutter developers by automating the creation of a directory structure adhering to a specific architectural pattern. By using GenArch, developers can easily scaffold the necessary folders and files needed for a specific feature in a Flutter project.


  • Automated Directory Creation: No need to manually create directories for your Flutter feature. With GenArch, the structure is set up with a single command.
  • Flutter Project Verification: GenArch ensures you are in the root directory of a Flutter project before proceeding.
  • Easy to Use: Just a single command with the feature's name, and you're good to go!

Directory Structure

GenArch generates a directory structure adhering to a specific architectural pattern for your Flutter features. The structure is organized as follows: <feature_name> ├── data │ ├── data_sources │ ├── models │ └── repositories ├── domain │ ├── entities │ ├── repositories │ └── use_cases └── presentation ├── bloc ├── pages └── widgets Each directory serves a specific purpose in your Flutter project's feature development.

  • data: Contains data-related components like data sources, models, and repositories.
  • domain: Focuses on the core business logic, including entities, repositories, and use cases.
  • presentation: Handles the user interface with bloc logic, pages, and reusable widgets.

Environment Variables

Before using GenArch, ensure that your system's PATH environment variable includes the Dart SDK's bin directory. You can add the following path to your PATH environment variable:



  1. Install genarch from or your preferred package manager.
  2. Make sure the Dart SDK's bin directory is in your system's PATH.


  1. Navigate to your Flutter project directory.
  2. Run the following command:
genarch <feature_name>

