An Gelboory API client written in Dart and powered by the http package !

Compatible with all Dart supported platforms, this package allows you to interact with the Gelbooru API in a more Dart idiomatic way.


  • Implements all the #5 endpoints of the Gelbooru API
  • No scrapping, all requests are made to the API properly, gently and respecting the API rate limits.
  • Use Dart's native http package for making requests allowing for using more advanced implementation on the fly.

Getting started

Run the following command:

# You may also add the http and xml packages for their respective exceptions
$ dart pub add gelbooru


import 'dart:io';

import 'package:gelbooru/gelbooru.dart';

/// Get last 10 posts from Gelbooru
void main() async {
  final client = GelbooruClient(baseUrl: '');
  /// You can also you a custom http based client
  /// like the cupertino_http package
  /// final client = GelbooruClient(baseUrl: '', httpClient: CupertinoClient.fromSessionConfiguration(config));

  /// The  [PostResponsePage] is a iterable of [Post]
  /// with also the metadata of the request
  /// such as the [offset], [limit] and [count]
  final PostResponsePage posts = await client.getPosts(
    limit: 10,
    page: 1,
    tags: 'rating:safe',
  /// [PostResponsePage] is iterable so it can use all the method from [UnmodifiableListView]
  if(posts.isEmpty) {
    print('No posts found');
  for(final Post post in posts) {
    print('Post id: ${} @ Tags : ${post.tags.join(', ')} @ Link : ${post.fileUrl}');
  /// Same as above for the tags, comments, and users
  /// The [TagResponsePage], [CommentResponsePage] and [UserResponsePage] are iterable of [Tag], [Comment] and [User]
    final TagResponsePage tags = await client.getTags(
        limit: 10,
        page: 1,
        order: TagOrder.count,
        orderBy: TagOrderBy.desc,
    final CommentResponsePage comments = await client.getComments(
        limit: 10,
        page: 1,
    final UserResponsePage users = await client.getUsers(
        limit: 10,
        page: 1,

Quirks and sparks

  • The GelbooruClient is a stateless object, you can use it as a singleton or create a new instance for each request.
  • There's no check to see if the API is up or not, if the API is down, the client will throw a ClientException from the http package.

No AI project / AI free Project

Use the project or any parts for any commercial (meaning generating revenue) purposes WITHOUT written authorization from the project owner See the LICENSE file for more details.

