get method

  1. @override
Future<Node> get(
  1. String path

Get a node by node name from the storage backend.

@param path the fully qualified node name @return the requested node @throws StorageException if node is not found or an error in the storage API happens


Future<Node> get(String path) async {
  String sqlStatement =
      'SELECT path, owner, name, visibility, children, tombstone,last_modified '
      'FROM storage_node WHERE path = ?';
  Node res;
  int lastModified;
  try {
    ResultSet resultSet = _requestResult(sqlStatement, [path]);
    if (resultSet.isEmpty) {
      throw StorageException('Node "$path" does not exist on sqlite backend');
    } else {
      String owner = (resultSet.first['owner'] ?? '<UNSET>') as String;
      if ('true' == resultSet.first['tombstone'].toLowerCase()) {
        res = await NodeImpl.fromPath(
            resultSet.first['path'] as String, owner,
            isTombstone: true);
        res.visibility = VisibilityExtension.valueOf(
                resultSet.first['visibility']! as String) ??
        return res;
      res = await NodeImpl.fromPath(resultSet.first['path'] as String, owner);
      res.owner = owner;
      res.visibility = VisibilityExtension.valueOf(
              resultSet.first['visibility'] as String) ??
      String children = resultSet.first['children'] as String;
      if (!('' == children)) {
        for (String childName in children.split(',')) {
          await res.addChild(NodeImpl.createSkeleton(
              (path != ':' ? path + ':' : ':') + childName,
      lastModified = int.parse(resultSet.first['last_modified']);
  } on Exception catch (exception, s) {
    if (!(exception is StorageException || exception is SqliteException)) {
    throw StorageException(
        'Could not retrieve node "$path"', null, exception, s);
  sqlStatement = ('SELECT path, key, value, type, locale, last_modified '
      'FROM node_value WHERE path = ?');
  ResultSet resultSetValues = _requestResult(sqlStatement, [path]);
  String key;
  try {
    for (Row valueRow in resultSetValues) {
      key = valueRow['key'] as String;
      NodeValue value = NodeValueImpl(
          valueRow['value'] as String,
          valueRow['type'] as String?,
          int.parse(valueRow['last_modified'] as String));
      String sqlStatementTranslations =
          'SELECT path, key, identifier, locale, translation '
          'FROM translation WHERE (path = ? AND key = ?)';
      ResultSet resultSetTranslations =
          _requestResult(sqlStatementTranslations, [path, key]);
      try {
        for (Row translationRow in resultSetTranslations) {
          String identifier = translationRow['identifier'] as String;
          if ('VALUE' == identifier) {
            value.setValue(translationRow['translation'] as String,
                Locale.parse(translationRow['locale'] as String));
          } else {
            if ('DESCRIPTION' == identifier) {
              value.setDescription(translationRow['translation'] as String,
                  Locale.parse(translationRow['locale'] as String));
      } on SqliteException catch (e, st) {
        throw StorageException(
            'Could not retrieve description for node "' +
                path +
                '" and key "' +
                key +
      // GwM: Unclear what this is!
      await res.addValue(value);
  } on SqliteException catch (e, st) {
    throw StorageException(
        'Could not retrieve values for node "' + path + '"', null, e, st);
  // Has to be add the end because else the modification above will change it
  res.lastModified = lastModified;
  return res;