add method

  1. @override
Future<void> add(
  1. Node node

Add a non existing node to the storage backend.

@param node the node to be added to the backend @throws StorageException if the node already exists, the parental node does not exist, or the backend storage encountered a problem


Future<void> add(Node node) async {
  if (nodes[node.path] != null && nodes[node.path]!.tombstone == false) {
    throw StorageException('Node does already exist');
  if (node.skeleton) {
    throw StorageException('Skeleton nodes cannot be added.');
  String? pname = node.parentPath == '' ? ':' : node.parentPath;
  if (node.parentPath != null) {
    if (nodes[pname] == null) {
      throw StorageException(
          ('Parent node "' + (node.parentPath!)) + '" does not exist');
    await nodes[pname]?.addChild(node);
  nodes[node.path] = await node.shallowClone();

  // add children if not skeletonized (not needed... covered by controller)
  //for (Node n in (await node.getChildren()).values) {
  //  if (!n.skeleton) {
  //    add(n);
  //  }