NodeImpl constructor

  1. String name,
  2. String nodeOwner, [
  3. String? parent,
  4. Visibility vis =,
  5. List<NodeValue> nodeValues = const <NodeValue>[],

creates a fully fledged new empty node.

@param name the name for the node @param parent the parent of the node (may be null if root node is the parent) @param vis visibility of the node


NodeImpl(String name, String nodeOwner,
    [String? parent,
    Visibility vis =,
    List<NodeValue> nodeValues = const <NodeValue>[]]) {
  if (name.contains(GenericController.pathDelimiter) && parent != null) {
    throw StorageException(
        'name may not contain a "${GenericController.pathDelimiter}" when providing a name');
  if (parent == null) {
    _ordinals[Field.path] = name;
  } else if (parent == GenericController.pathDelimiter) {
    _ordinals[Field.path] = '${GenericController.pathDelimiter}$name';
  } else {
    _ordinals[Field.path] = '$parent${GenericController.pathDelimiter}$name';
  if (parent != null && !parent.startsWith(GenericController.pathDelimiter)) {
    throw StorageException(
        'path must start with a ${GenericController.pathDelimiter}');
  if (parent != null &&
      parent.endsWith(GenericController.pathDelimiter) &&
      parent.length > 1) {
    throw StorageException(
        'path must not end with a ${GenericController.pathDelimiter}');
  if (_ordinals[Field.path]!.contains(
      '${GenericController.pathDelimiter}${GenericController.pathDelimiter}')) {
    throw StorageException(
        'path must not contain two ${GenericController.pathDelimiter} in a row (got ${_ordinals[Field.path]})');
  if (nodeValues.isNotEmpty) {
    for (NodeValue val in nodeValues) {
      _values[val.key] = val;
  owner = nodeOwner;
  _ordinals[Field.visibility] = vis.toValueString();