

This repository contains classes that provides methods to easily set and get data from the Node paths provided in the Geiger Indicator docs.


  • Receive data as a json object from a specific NodeValue path.
  • Access to functionality to help you serialized and deserialized data.
  • Set data according the Node path already defined in the geiger indicator docs.
  • Auto generation of uuids for userId, deviceId, threatId, recommendationId, roleId, etc.
  • Access to Data models

Getting started

Run the following command in your terminal, to add the package in your pubspec.yaml

  Flutter pub add geiger_dummy_data
  dart pub add geiger_dummy_data

Additional information for flutter users

Also run the following command in your terminal, to add the package in your pubspec.yaml

 flutter pub add sqlite3_flutter_libs
 flutter pub add sqflite 


A short and useful examples for package users. Check /example folder for more details.

import "package:geiger_dummy_data/geiger_dummy_data.dart";
import 'package:geiger_localstorage/geiger_localstorage.dart';

//flutter users only: uncomment the import lines below
// import 'package:path/path.dart';
// import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';

void main() {

  //flutter user only
  //initialize database
  void _iniDatabase() async{
    String dbPath = join(await getDatabasesPath(), 'database.db');
    StorageController _storageController = GenericController('Example', SqliteMapper(dbPath));
  //dart users
  //initialize database
  StorageController _storageController =
  GenericController("Example", SqliteMapper("./database.db"));

  //set and get threats from :Global:threats
  GeigerThreat _geigerThreat = GeigerThreat(_storageController);

  //store and retrieve threats from :Global:threats
  // return a List of Threat object containing threatId and name.
  List<Threat> getThreatInfo() {
    try {
      return _geigerThreat.getThreats;
    } catch (e) {
      //threat Json format  '[{"threatId": "t1", name":"phishing"},{"threatId":"t2","name":"malware"}]'
      //Threat to convert your json to Threat object
      // threatId is optional: is auto generated.
      List<Threat> threatData =

      //store threat in :Global:threats:
      _geigerThreat.setGlobalThreatsNode = threatData;
      return _geigerThreat.getThreats;
  // display in terminal

Check test/geiger_dummy_data_test folder more demo


  • Provide more functionality to set data and in the following Node path.
  • :EnterPrise:users
  • :Global:profile
  • :Local:plugin
  • :Users:userId:data:metrics
  • :Device:deviceId:data:metrics
  • Provide more data models
  • docs

TODO: This project is open to contribution and improvements

