RadialGauge constructor

const RadialGauge({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required RadialTrack track,
  3. List<RadialValueBar>? valueBar,
  4. double xCenterCoordinate = 0.5,
  5. double yCenterCoordinate = 0.5,
  6. double radiusFactor = 1,
  7. List<RadialShapePointer>? shapePointer = const [],
  8. List<NeedlePointer>? needlePointer = const [],
  9. List<RadialWidgetPointer>? widgetPointer = const [],

Creates a Radial Gauge Widget to display the values in a Radial Scale. The widget can be customized using the properties available in RadialGauge.

  track: [
      start: 0,
      end: 100,


const RadialGauge({
  Key? key,
  required this.track,
  this.xCenterCoordinate = 0.5,
  this.yCenterCoordinate = 0.5,
  this.radiusFactor = 1,
  this.shapePointer = const [],
  this.needlePointer = const [],
  this.widgetPointer = const [],
  // List<RadialTrack>? track,
}) : super(key: key);