A fully customizable gantt chart package written purely in dart
This package is still in active development and may experience breaking changes

- Sticky area to show event names
- Fully customizable widget with builders
- Either use relative or absolute dates
maxDuration: const Duration(days: 30 * 2), //optional, set to null for infinite horizontal scroll
startDate: DateTime(2022, 6, 7), //required
dayWidth: 30, //column width for each day
eventHeight: 30, //row height for events
stickyAreaWidth: 200, //sticky area width
showStickyArea: true, //show sticky area or not
showDays: true, //show days or not
startOfTheWeek: WeekDay.sunday, //custom start of the week
weekEnds: const {WeekDay.friday, WeekDay.saturday}, //custom weekends
isExtraHoliday: (context, day) {
//define custom holiday logic for each day
return DateUtils.isSameDay(DateTime(2022, 7, 1), day);
events: [
//event relative to startDate
relativeToStart: const Duration(days: 0),
duration: const Duration(days: 5),
displayName: 'Do a very helpful task',
//event with absolute start and end
startDate: DateTime(2022, 6, 10),
endDate: DateTime(2022, 6, 16),
displayName: 'Another task',