getPlayGamesCredential static method

Future<OAuthCredential> getPlayGamesCredential()

Retrieves an OAuthCredential for Play Games (Android).

This method interacts with the Play Games services to sign in the user and retrieve an authentication code (serverAuthCode). If successful, it generates a Firebase OAuth credential from the auth code.


Returns an OAuthCredential that can be used with Firebase for user authentication.


static Future<OAuthCredential> getPlayGamesCredential() async {
  // Attempt to sign in with Play Games.
  final bool success =
      await GameServicesFirebaseAuth().signInWithGameService();

  // If sign-in fails, throw an exception.
  if (!success) {
    throw GameServicesFirebaseAuthException(
      code: GameServicesFirebaseExceptionCode.notSignedIntoGamesServices,
          'Failed to sign into Play Games. Please check your Play Games settings and try again.',

  // Retrieve the authentication code from Play Games.
  final String? authCode =
      await GameServicesFirebaseAuth().getAndroidServerAuthCode();

  // If the auth code is null, throw an exception.
  if (authCode == null) {
    throw GameServicesFirebaseAuthException(
      code: GameServicesFirebaseExceptionCode.notSignedIntoGamesServices,
          'Failed to retrieve auth code from Play Games. Please check your Play Games settings and try again.',

  // Return a Firebase OAuth credential using the retrieved serverAuthCode.
  return PlayGamesAuthProvider.credential(serverAuthCode: authCode);