signInWithGamesServices method

Future<UserCredential> signInWithGamesServices()

Signs the user in with Google Play Games (Android) or Game Center (iOS) via Firebase Authentication.

On Android, it fetches the Play Games credentials

On iOS, it retrieves Game Center credentials to authenticate the user.


  • UnimplementedError for unsupported platforms (non-Android or non-iOS).
  • FirebaseAuthException if Firebase authentication fails (e.g., invalid credentials, network issues).

Returns a UserCredential containing information about the authenticated user.

Example usage:

final userCredential = await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithGamesServices();


Future<UserCredential> signInWithGamesServices() async {
  // Handle Android platform: Fetch Play Games credentials and sign in with Firebase.
  if (Platform.isAndroid) {
    final playGamesCredential =
        await GameServicesCredentialsUtils.getPlayGamesCredential();
    return signInWithCredential(playGamesCredential);

  // Handle iOS platform: Fetch Game Center credentials and sign in with Firebase.
  if (Platform.isIOS) {
    final gameCenterCredential =
        await GameServicesCredentialsUtils.getGameCenterCredential();
    return signInWithCredential(gameCenterCredential);

  // For unsupported platforms, throw an error.
  throw UnimplementedError(
      'This platform is not supported. Only Android and iOS are supported.');