divideListAsMap<G> method

Map<G, List<T>> divideListAsMap<G>(
  1. bool test(
    1. T item
    ), {
  2. G key(
    1. T item
  3. bool includeFirstItems = false,

Search a list for items that satisfy a test predicate (matching items), and then divide that list into a Map of parts, such as each part contains one matching item, and the keys are given by the key function.

If no items satisfy the test, it will return an empty map.

if includeFirstItems is false (the default), each matching item will be the first item of its respective part. If includeFirstItems is true, the items before the first matched item will be included in the first part (otherwise, they will be discarded).

Example: Suppose you have a list with Chapters, Texts and Images. You can break it into chapters, by the chapter's id, like this:

        (item) => item is Chapter,
        key: (item) => (item as Chapter).id);

In another example, the matching items are 2 and 4. We'll divide the following list into 2, one containing 2, and another containing 4. Note 2 and 4 will be the first items in their part:

[1,2,3,4,5].divideListAsMap((v)=>v==2 || v==4, (v)=>v) ➜ {2:[2,3], 4:[4,5]}

However, if we do includeFirstItems: true, the number 1 will be included:

[1,2,3,4,5].divideListAsMap((v)=>v==2 || v==4, (v)=>v, includeFirstItems: true)
  ➜ {2:[1,2,3], 4:[4,5]}

If there is no matching item, the result list will be empty:

[1,2,3].divideListAsMap((v)=>v==10, (v)=>v) ➜ {}

Note: Repeating keys will be joined together, but it probably doesn't make much sense to use this with repeating keys.

See also: groupBy from package:collection


Map<G, List<T>> divideListAsMap<G>(
  bool Function(T item) test, {
  G Function(T item)? key,
  bool includeFirstItems = false,
}) {
  if (isEmpty) return {};

  Map<G, List<T>> result = {};
  List<int> indexes = [];
  List<G> keys = [];

  int? firstMatch;
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    T item = this[i];

    if (test(item)) {
      var _key = (key == null) ? (item as G) : key(item);

      if (!includeFirstItems) firstMatch ??= i;

  firstMatch ??= 0;

  if (indexes.isEmpty)
    return {};
  else {
    for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
      var ini = i == 0 ? firstMatch : indexes[i];
      var fim = i == indexes.length - 1 ? length - 1 : indexes[i + 1] - 1;
      var repeating = result[keys[i]];
      result[keys[i]] = (repeating != null)
          ? //
          repeating + sublist(ini, fim + 1)
          : sublist(ini, fim + 1);
    return result;