ListMap<K, V>.unsafe constructor

ListMap<K, V>.unsafe(
  1. Map<K, V> _map, {
  2. bool sort = false,
  3. int compare(
    1. K a,
    2. K b

Creates a ListMap backed by the provided map. No defensive copy will be made, so you have to make sure that the original map won't change after the ListMap is created, since this will render the ListMap in an invalid state.

If sort is true, it will be sorted with compare, if provided, or with compareObject if not provided. If sort is false, compare will be ignored.

Note: The original map won't be sorted or modified in any way by simply calling this constructor, even if sort is true.


  this._map, {
  bool sort = false,
  int Function(K a, K b)? compare,
})  : assert(compare == null || sort == true),
      _list = List.of(_map.keys, growable: false) {
  if (sort) _list.sort(compare ?? compareObject);