invertKeysAndValuesKeepingNullKeys method

  1. @useCopy
IMapOfSets<V?, K> invertKeysAndValuesKeepingNullKeys([
  1. ConfigMapOfSets? config

Return a map where the keys are the values, and the values are the keys. Empty sets will become the key null. You can pass a new config for the map.


IMapOfSets<V?, K> invertKeysAndValuesKeepingNullKeys([ConfigMapOfSets? config]) {
  Map<V?, Set<K>> result = {};
  for (MapEntry<K, ISet<V>> entry in _mapOfSets.entries) {
    K key = entry.key;
    ISet<V> set = entry.value;

    if (set.isEmpty) {
      var destSet = result[null];
      if (destSet == null) {
        destSet = {};
        result[null] = destSet;
    } else
      for (V? value in set) {
        var destSet = result[value];
        if (destSet == null) {
          destSet = {};
          result[value] = destSet;

  return IMapOfSets<V?, K>.withConfig(result, config ?? this.config);