getRange method

  1. @useCopy
Iterable<T> getRange(
  1. int start,
  2. int end

Returns an Iterable that iterates over the objects in the range start inclusive to end exclusive.

The provided range, given by start and end, must be valid, which means 0 <= start <= end <= len, where len is this list's length. The range starts at start and has length end - start. An empty range (with end == start) is valid.

The returned Iterable behaves like skip(start).take(end - start).

final IList<String> colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'pink'].lock;
final Iterable<String> range = colors.getRange(1, 4);
range.join(', ');  // 'green, blue, orange'

This method exists just to make the IList API more similar to that of the List, but to get a range here you should probably use the IList.sublist() method instead.


Iterable<T> getRange(int start, int end) {
  // TODO: Still need to implement efficiently.
  return toList(growable: false).getRange(start, end);