Gafa Indicator

A Flutter widget for creating customizable gradient flow arc indicators with animations. Perfect for visually representing progress, percentages, or dynamic states in your app.


  • Gradient flow arc with customizable colors.
  • Multiple indicator types:
    • UnfilledStatic: Fills unfilled color up to the current percentage.
    • FixedUnfilledEnd: Unfilled color remains static up to max percentage.
    • MovingUnfilled: Unfilled color moves with the progress.
    • ReverseUnfilledShift: Unfilled color shifts in reverse with progress.
  • Animation support with smooth transitions.
  • Customizable animations via the flowAnimation property.
  • Easily adjustable radius, colors, and percentages.

Example Previews

Overall View

Overall View
This image provides an overall view of the Gafa Indicator in action.
From left to right, the indicators are:
IndicatorType.unfilledStatic, IndicatorType.fixedUnfilledEnd, IndicatorType.movingUnfilled, and IndicatorType.reverseUnfilledShift.
The colors are randomized, and the indicators are displayed in a grid layout.

Animation and Customization

Animation and Custom View
The Gafa Indicator allows full customization of animations, text, background colors, unfilled colors, and more.
This example showcases a single animated indicator with customizable properties.

Indicator Types

A comparison of the different IndicatorType values is shown below:

UnfilledStatic MovingUnfilled
UnfilledStatic MovingUnfilled
FixedUnfilledEnd ReverseUnfilledShift
FixedUnfilledEnd ReverseUnfilledShift

Getting started

To get started, ensure that you have Flutter installed on your machine. Add the following dependency in your pubspec.yaml:

  gafa_indicator: ^0.0.1

Run flutter pub get to fetch the package.


Here's a simple example of how to use GafaIndicator in your Flutter app:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:gafa_indicator/gafa_indicator.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Gafa Indicator Example')),
        body: Center(
          child: GradientAniFlowArcIndicator(
            innerRadius: 20,
            outerRadius: 30,
            percentage: 70,
            colors: [, Colors.purple],
            unfilledColor: Colors.grey,
            type: IndicatorType.unfilledStatic,

For more examples, check the example folder in this repository.

Indicator Types

  • UnfilledStatic:
    • The unfilled color fills up to the current progress percentage.
  • FixedUnfilledEnd:
    • The unfilled color remains fixed up to the maximum percentage.
  • MovingUnfilled:
    • The unfilled color moves along with the progress.
  • ReverseUnfilledShift:
    • The unfilled color shifts in reverse with the progress percentage.

Animation Customization

  • You can customize animations for the arc using the flowAnimation property, which accepts a record of Animation<double> and AnimationController.
  • Avoid directly assigning animation.value to the percentage property to prevent rendering issues.
  • If you want to animate the text, you must provide animation.value as the input for the text property.

Example with Custom Animation

  innerRadius: 20,
  outerRadius: 30,
  percentage: 70, // Avoid setting animation.value here.
  flowAnimation: (
    Tween<double>(begin: 0, end: 100).animate(animationController),
  centerText: Text(
  // To animate the text value, ensure you use animation.value as input.
  // Use toStringAsFixed(n) to format the value for a cleaner display.
  // Do not set animation.value directly to the `percentage` property of the widget.
  // If you want the text to animate, pass animation.value here explicitly.
  style: TextStyle(
    fontSize: 25,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
    color: Color.fromARGB(255, 116, 221, 68),
  colors: [,],
  type: IndicatorType.movingUnfilled,

Additional Information

If you have any suggestions for better naming conventions for the options or types used in this package, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Let us know through an issue or discussion!

For bug reports, feature requests, or contributions, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.