registerWith function

void registerWith({
  1. dynamic options,

Registers this plugin as the default instance of VideoPlayerPlatform. Then your VideoPlayer will support all platforms. options can be 'platforms': a list of Platform.operatingSystem, only these platforms will use this plugin implementation. You can still use official implementation for android and ios if they are not in the list. If 'platforms' not set, this implementation will be used for all platforms.

'fastSeek': bool. default is false, faster but not accurate, i.e. result position can be a few seconds different from requested position

"video.decoders": a list of decoder names. supported decoders:

"maxWidth", "maxHeight": texture max size. if not set, video frame size is used. a small value can reduce memory cost, but may result in lower image quality.

'lowLatency': int. default is 0. reduce network stream latency. 1: for vod. 2: for live stream, may drop frames to ensure the latest content is displayed

"player": backend player properties of type Map<String, String>. See

"global": backend global options of type Map<String, Object>. See

"tunnel": android only, default is false. AMediacodec/MediaCodec decoder output to a SurfaceTexture surface directly without OpenGL. Maybe more efficient, but some features are not supported, e.g. HDR tone mapping, less codecs.

'subtitleFontFile': default subtitle font file as the fallback. If not set, 'assets/subfont.ttf' will be used, you can add it in pubspec.yaml if you need it. subfont.ttf can be downloaded from


registerWith(options: {
    'platforms': ['windows', 'linux', 'macos'], # or other Platform.operatingSystem
    'video.decoders': ['BRAW:scale=1/4', 'auto'],
    'maxWidth': screenWidth,
    'maxHeight': screenHeight,
    'subtitleFontFile': 'assets/subfont.ttf',


/// [options] can be
/// 'platforms': a list of [Platform.operatingSystem], only these platforms will use this plugin implementation. You can still use official implementation for android and ios if they are not in the list.
/// If 'platforms' not set, this implementation will be used for all platforms.
/// 'fastSeek': bool. default is false, faster but not accurate, i.e. result position can be a few seconds different from requested position
/// "video.decoders": a list of decoder names. supported decoders:
/// "maxWidth", "maxHeight": texture max size. if not set, video frame size is used. a small value can reduce memory cost, but may result in lower image quality.
/// 'lowLatency': int. default is 0. reduce network stream latency. 1: for vod. 2: for live stream, may drop frames to ensure the latest content is displayed
/// "player": backend player properties of type Map<String, String>. See
/// "global": backend global options of type Map<String, Object>. See
/// "tunnel": android only, default is false. AMediacodec/MediaCodec decoder output to a SurfaceTexture surface directly without OpenGL. Maybe more efficient, but some features are not supported, e.g. HDR tone mapping, less codecs.
/// 'subtitleFontFile': default subtitle font file as the fallback. If not set, 'assets/subfont.ttf' will be used, you can add it in pubspec.yaml if you need it.
/// subfont.ttf can be downloaded from
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// registerWith(options: {
///     'platforms': ['windows', 'linux', 'macos'], # or other Platform.operatingSystem
///     'video.decoders': ['BRAW:scale=1/4', 'auto'],
///     'maxWidth': screenWidth,
///     'maxHeight': screenHeight,
///     'subtitleFontFile': 'assets/subfont.ttf',
///   });
/// ```
void registerWith({dynamic options}) {
  MdkVideoPlayerPlatform.registerVideoPlayerPlatformsWith(options: options);