extractWithoutOrder<T> method

List<ExtractedResult<T>> extractWithoutOrder<T>(
  1. String query,
  2. List<T> choices,
  3. Applicable func, [
  4. String getter(
    1. T obj

Returns the list of choices with their associated scores of similarity in a list of ExtractedResult


List<ExtractedResult<T>> extractWithoutOrder<T>(
    String query, List<T> choices, Applicable func,
    [String Function(T obj)? getter]) {
  var yields = List<ExtractedResult<T>>.empty(growable: true);
  var index = 0;

  if (T != String) {
    if (getter == null) {
      throw ArgumentError('Getter cannot be null for non-string types!');
  } else {
    getter = (obj) => (obj as String);

  for (var s in choices) {
    var score = func.apply(query.toLowerCase(), getter(s).toLowerCase());

    if (score >= _cutoff) {
      yields.add(ExtractedResult<T>(s, score, index, getter));

  return yields;