SmartWallet constructor

  1. required String ownerAddress,
  2. required String smartWalletAddress,
  3. required WalletModules walletModules,
  4. required String paddedVersion,
  5. required String version,
  6. @Default(['fuse']) List<String> networks,

Constructs a new SmartWallet instance.


  • ownerAddress – The owner's wallet address.
  • smartWalletAddress – The smart wallet address.
  • walletModules – The wallet modules associated with the smart wallet.
  • paddedVersion – The padded version of the smart wallet.
  • version – The smart wallet version.
  • networks – A list of supported networks (default: ['fuse']).


factory SmartWallet({
  required String ownerAddress,
  required String smartWalletAddress,
  required WalletModules walletModules,
  required String paddedVersion,
  required String version,
  @Default(['fuse']) List<String> networks,
}) = _SmartWallet;