StakingOption constructor

  1. required String tokenAddress,
  2. required String tokenSymbol,
  3. required String tokenName,
  4. required String tokenLogoURI,
  5. required bool expired,
  6. required String unStakeTokenAddress,
  7. required double stakingApr,
  8. required double tvl,

Constructs a new StakingOption instance.


  • tokenAddress – The address of the staking token.
  • tokenSymbol – The symbol of the staking token.
  • tokenName – The name of the staking token.
  • tokenLogoURI – The URI for the logo of the staking token.
  • expired - The status of the staking option.
  • unStakeTokenAddress – The address of the unstaking token.
  • stakingApr – The annual percentage rate (APR) for staking.
  • tvl – The total value locked in the contract.


factory StakingOption({
  required String tokenAddress,
  required String tokenSymbol,
  required String tokenName,
  required String tokenLogoURI,
  required bool expired,
  required String unStakeTokenAddress,
  required double stakingApr,
  required double tvl,
}) = _StakingOption;