signer static method

AuthDto signer(
  1. EthPrivateKey credentials, {
  2. String? smartWalletAddress,

This method returns the authentication token of a wallet given its credentials.

The credentials should be type of EthPrivateKey, and contains the address of the wallet to authenticate.

It returns a AuthDto, containing the hash, ownerAddress and signature of the authenticated wallet.


static AuthDto signer(
  EthPrivateKey credentials, {
  String? smartWalletAddress,
}) {
  final String ownerAddress = credentials.address.hexEip55;
  final Uint8List input = Uint8List.fromList(HEX.decode(
    ownerAddress.replaceFirst('0x', ''),
  final Uint8List hash = keccak256(input);
  final Uint8List signature =

  return AuthDto(
    hash: bytesToHex(hash, include0x: true),
    ownerAddress: ownerAddress,
    signature: bytesToHex(signature.toList(), include0x: true),
    smartWalletAddress: smartWalletAddress,