getHistoricalActions method

Future<DC<Exception, ActionResult>> getHistoricalActions({
  1. int page = 1,
  2. int limit = 10,
  3. int? updatedAt,
  4. String? tokenAddress,

Retrieves historical actions for a smart wallet, with optional filtering by token address and update time.


  • page (optional) – The page number to retrieve, default is 1.
  • limit (optional) – Number of items in each page, default is 10.
  • updatedAt (optional) – Filter actions updated at or after the specified Unix timestamp.
  • tokenAddress (optional) – Filter actions related to the specified token address.

Returns a Future that completes with a DC object:

  • On success, will be called with an ActionResult object containing the historical actions.
  • On failure, DC.error will be called with an Exception object.


Future<DC<Exception, ActionResult>> getHistoricalActions({
  int page = 1,
  int limit = 10,
  int? updatedAt,
  String? tokenAddress,
}) async {
  final Map<String, dynamic> queryParameters = {
    'page': page,
    'limit': limit,
  if (tokenAddress != null) {
    queryParameters.putIfAbsent('tokenAddress', () => tokenAddress);
  if (updatedAt != null) {
    queryParameters.putIfAbsent('updatedAt', () => updatedAt);
  try {
    final Response response = await _dio.get(
      queryParameters: queryParameters,
      options: _options,
  } catch (e) {
    return DC.error(Exception(e.toString()));