createWallet method

Creates a new smart wallet and returns a stream of SmartWalletEvents.

This function sends a request to create a new smart wallet and listens for the events related to the wallet creation process. It returns a stream of SmartWalletEvents that can be used to track the wallet creation progress.

Returns a Future that completes with a DC object:

  • On success, will be called with a Stream of SmartWalletEvents.
  • On failure, DC.error will be called with an Exception object.


Future<DC<Exception, Stream<SmartWalletEvent>>> createWallet() async {
  try {
    final Response response = await
      options: _options,
    if (response.statusCode == 201) {
      final transactionId =['transactionId'];
    return DC.error(Exception('Failed to create wallet'));
  } on DioException catch (exception) {
    return _handleDioErrorOccurredWhileCreatingWallet(exception);
  } catch (e) {
    return DC.error(Exception(e.toString()));