FuseWalletSDK constructor

  1. String publicApiKey, {
  2. String baseUrl = Variables.BASE_URL,
  3. String rpcUrl = Variables.FUSE_RPC_URL,
  4. String websocketServerURL = Variables.DEFAULT_SOCKET_SERVER_URL,

Constructs a new instance of FuseWalletSDK.

publicApiKey is the public API key used to access the Fuse API. baseUrl is the base URL of the Fuse API. Default value is taken from Variables.BASE_URL. rpcUrl is the URL of the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint. Default value is taken from Variables.FUSE_RPC_URL.


  this.publicApiKey, {
  String baseUrl = Variables.BASE_URL,
  String rpcUrl = Variables.FUSE_RPC_URL,
  this.websocketServerURL = Variables.DEFAULT_SOCKET_SERVER_URL,
})  : _dio = Dio(
          baseUrl: Uri.https(baseUrl, '/api').toString(),
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          queryParameters: {
            'apiKey': publicApiKey,
      web3client = Web3Client(rpcUrl, http.Client()) {