getAllowance method

Future<BigInt> getAllowance(
  1. EthereumAddress tokenAddress,
  2. EthereumAddress spender

Retrieves the allowance of tokens that a spender is allowed to withdraw from an owner.

This method checks the amount of tokens that an owner has allowed a spender to withdraw from their account using the ERC20 approve function.

tokenAddress is the address of the ERC20 token. spender is the address of the entity that has been approved to spend the tokens.

Returns a BigInt representing the amount of tokens the spender is allowed to withdraw.


Future<BigInt> getAllowance(
  EthereumAddress tokenAddress,
  EthereumAddress spender,
) {
  return ContractsUtils.readFromContractWithFirstResult(
    client: wallet.proxy.client,
    contractName: 'ERC20',
    contractAddress: tokenAddress,
    methodName: 'allowance',
    params: [