Collectible constructor

  1. String? description,
  2. String? name,
  3. String? imageURL,
  4. required String descriptorUri,
  5. @JsonKey(name: 'created') required String createdAt,
  6. required String tokenId,
  7. required Collection collection,
  8. required Address owner,
  9. required Address creator,

Creates a new Collectible instance with the given properties.


  • description: An optional description of the collectible.
  • name: An optional name for the collectible.
  • imageURL: An optional URL for an image representing the collectible.
  • descriptorUri: The descriptor URI for the collectible.
  • created: The date when the collectible was created in unix time.
  • tokenId: The unique identifier of the collectible.
  • collection: The collection to which the collectible belongs.
  • owner: The current owner of the collectible.
  • creator: The original creator of the collectible.
  • metadata: Optional metadata associated with the collectible.


factory Collectible({
  String? description,
  String? name,
  String? imageURL,
  required String descriptorUri,
  @JsonKey(name: 'created') required String createdAt,
  required String tokenId,
  required Collection collection,
  required Address owner,
  required Address creator,
}) = _Collectible;