ActionResult constructor

  1. required bool hasNextPage,
  2. required bool hasPrevPage,
  3. required num? nextPage,
  4. required num? prevPage,
  5. required num? page,
  6. required num totalPages,
  7. @ActionsConverter() @JsonKey(name: 'docs') required List<Action> actions,

Constructs an ActionResult instance.


  • hasNextPage – A boolean representing whether there is a next page of actions.
  • hasPrevPage – A boolean representing whether there is a previous page of actions.
  • nextPage – A number representing the next page number.
  • prevPage – A number representing the previous page number.
  • page – A number representing the current page number.
  • totalPages – A number representing the total number of pages.
  • actions – A list of Action instances associated with the ActionResult.


factory ActionResult({
  required bool hasNextPage,
  required bool hasPrevPage,
  required num? nextPage,
  required num? prevPage,
  required num? page,
  required num totalPages,
  @ActionsConverter() @JsonKey(name: 'docs') required List<Action> actions,
}) = _ActionResult;