generateForAnnotatedElement method

  1. @override
Future<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
  1. Element element,
  2. ConstantReader annotation,
  3. BuildStep buildStep

Implement to return source code to generate for element.

This method is invoked based on finding elements annotated with an instance of T. The annotation is provided as a ConstantReader.

Supported return values include a single String or multiple String instances within an Iterable or Stream. It is also valid to return a Future of String, Iterable, or Stream.

Implementations should return null when no content is generated. Empty or whitespace-only String instances are also ignored.


Future<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
    Element element, ConstantReader annotation, BuildStep buildStep) async {
  // in case we do have a custom name set, we will find it @ functional widget
  final customName = parseFunctionalWidgetName(annotation);
  // to figure out how to call our class, let's either use customName or
  // the element's name (if available).
  // _checkValidElement will make sure to validate class name in the next step
  final className = _determineClassName(element, customName);
  final function = _checkValidElement(element, className);
  final type = parseFunctionalWidgetAnnotation(annotation);

  final _class = await _makeClassFromFunctionElement(

  return _class.accept(_emitter).toString();