Fullstory Flutter Package
Fullstory's Flutter package exposes access to the Fullstory Native Mobile SDK from within a Flutter app. This plug-in is intended to be used in conjunction with Fullstory for Mobile Apps.
⚠️ This is a preview release, some breaking changes are likely before the 1.0.0 release.
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What's supported
Most non-visual Fullstory APIs are supported:
FS.event(String name, [Map<String, Object?> properties = const {}])
FS.log({FSLogLevel level = FSLogLevel.info, required String message})
FS.identify(String uid, [Map<String, Object?>? userVars])
FS.setUserVars(Map<String, Object?> userVars)
FS.setStatusListener(FSStatusListener? listener)
FS.getCurrentSessionURL([bool now = false])
Visual session replay is not currently supported, but is planned for a future release.
Getting Started
See Getting started with Fullstory for Flutter Mobile Apps
Also see our example app for working API usage examples.