MeetingWraper class

  • Object
  • EventEmitter
  • MeetingWraper


MeetingWraper({required String url, required String meetingId, String? userId, String? name, MediaStream? stream})


audioEnabled bool
getter/setter pair
connected bool
getter/setter pair
connections List<Connection>
getter/setter pair
count int
Get the unique count of events registered in the emitter.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
joined bool
getter/setter pair
meetingId String
getter/setter pair
messages List<MessageFormat>
getter/setter pair
name String?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stream ↔ MediaStream?
getter/setter pair
transport Transport?
getter/setter pair
url String
userId String?
getter/setter pair
videoEnabled bool
getter/setter pair


clear() → void
Clear all subscribers from the cache.
createConnection(UserJoinedData data) Future<Connection?>?
destroy() → void
emit(String event, [Object? sender, Object? data]) → void
API to emit events. event is a required parameter. If sender information is sent, it will be used to intimate user about it. event - What event needs to be emitted. sender - The sender who published the event. Ignore if not required. data - Data the event need to carry. Ignore this argument if no data needs to be sent.
end() → void
formatUrl(String id) String
getConnection(String userId) Connection?
getListenersCount(String event) int
Get the list of subscribers for a particular event.
handleMessage(MessagePayload payload) → void
handleNotFound() → void
handleUserMessage(MessageData data) → void
join() → void
joinedMeeting(JoinedMeetingData data) → void
leave() → void
listenAudioToggle(AudioToggleData data) → void
listenMessage() → void
listenVideoToggle(VideoToggleData data) → void
meetingEnded(MeetingEndedData data) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
off(Listener? listener) → void
Remove event listener from emitter. This will unsubscribe the caller from the emitter from any future events. Listener should be a valid instance. listener - Listener instance to be removed from the event subscription.
on(String event, Object? context, EventCallback callback) → Listener
API to register for notification. It is mandatory to pass event name and callback parameters. event - Event name used for the subscription. A valid event name is mandatory. context - Context information, which need to be sent in all emitted events. callback - EventCallback function registered to receive events emitted from the publisher. A valid callback function is mandatory.
parseMessage(dynamic data) MessagePayload
receivedAnswerSdp(AnswerSdpData data) → void
receivedConnectionRequest(UserJoinedData? data) → void
receivedOfferSdp(OfferSdpData? data) → void
reconnect() → void
removeAllByCallback(EventCallback callback) → void
Remove all listeners which matches with the callback provided. It is possible to register for multiple events with a single callback. This mechanism ensure that all event registrations would be cancelled which matches the callback. callback - The event callback used during subscription.
removeAllByEvent(String event) → void
Use this mechanism to remove all subscription for a particular event. Caution : This will remove all the listeners from multiple files or classes or modules. Think twice before calling this API and make sure you know what you are doing!!! event - Event name used during subscription.
removeListener(String eventName, EventCallback callback) → void
Unsubscribe from getting any future events from emitter. This mechanism uses event name and callback to unsubscribe from all possible events. eventName - Event name for the subscription. callback - EventCallback used when registering subscription using on function.
reset() → void
sendAnswerSdp(String? otherUserId, RTCSessionDescription? sdp) → void
sendConnectionRequest(String otherUserId) → void
sendIceCandidate(String otherUserId, RTCIceCandidate candidate) → void
sendMessage(String type, dynamic data) → void
sendOfferSdp(String otherUserId) → void
sendUserMessage(String text) → void
setIceCandidate(IceCandidateData data) → void
stopStream() → dynamic
toggleAudio() bool
toggleVideo() bool
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
userJoined(UserJoinedData data) → void
userLeft(UserLeftData data) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.