This package was made to facilitate State manipulation. Basically, you just need to add the State Type to the context to manipulate it via the context itself.


  • You can create a Type provider via the FullContext Widget;
  • In FullContext's children you can manipulate States through their Type in the Context.

Getting started

Add type provider and create a type:

Widget build(BuildContext context) => FullContext(
    onInit: (context) => context.set<int>(1),
    builder: (context) => YourWidget(),


When you have a FullContext as a parent directly or indirectly with the Type you want to use started:

Widget build(BuildContext context) => InkWell(
    onTap: () => context.emit<int>(context.get<int>() + 1),
    child: FCBuilder<int>((context, snapshot) =>
        ? Text(!)
        : const CircularProgressIndicator(),

Besides context.set<S>(state), context.emit<S>(state) and context.get<S>(), we have:

  • context.get$<S>() which returns ValueStream<S>;
  • context.init<S>() starts type S without initial state. Remember that context.get<S>() only works after the first context.emit<S>(state);
  • context.emitError<S, E>(E error, [StackTracer? stackTracer]);
  • context.close<S>() Closes S stream.

Additional information

Olá, me chamo Lucas, o criador deste pacote. Sou brasileiro e pretendo adicionar Factories nesse projeto após, é claro, tornar o que já tem hoje mais sucinto.

Metas para o futuro

  • Adicionar Factories;
  • Criar testes automatizados;
  • Criar um exemplo decente.

Tenho em mente tornar esse projeto igual o Services do ASP.NET CORE, com a única diferença de criar na mão as instâncias com o context.

