
A portable file system library to allow working on io, browser (though idb_shim) and memory (through idb_shim).

Build Status

API supported

It contains a subset of the io File/Directory API. Basically all sync methods are removed since on the web indexedDB cannot be accessed in a synchronous way.


  • File (create, openWrite, openRead, writeAsBytes, writeAsString, copy)
  • Link (create, target)
  • Directory (create, list)
  • FileSystem (file, link, directory, type, isFile, isDirectory, isLink)
  • FileSystemEntity (path, exists, delete, rename, absolute, isAbsolute, state, parent)
  • FileStat
  • FileSystemEntityType,
  • FileSystemException,

Static method

  • Directory.current
  • FileSystemEntity.isFile
  • FileSystemEntity.isDirectory
  • FileSystemEntity.isLink

Static and File/Directory/Link constructor uses fileSystemDefault which is platform dependent (web or io).


In memory

A simple usage example:

import 'package:fs_shim/fs_shim.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';

Future main() async {
  final fs = fileSystemMemory;

  // Create a top level directory
  final dir = fs.directory('/dir');

  // and a file in it
  final file = fs.file(join(dir.path, 'file'));

  // create a file
  await file.create(recursive: true);
  await file.writeAsString('Hello world!');

  // read a file
  print('file: ${await file.readAsString()}');

  // use a file link if supported
  if (fs.supportsFileLink) {
    final link = fs.link(join(dir.path, 'link'));
    await link.create(file.path);

    print('link: ${await fs.file(link.path).readAsString()}');

  // list dir content
  print(await dir.list(recursive: true, followLinks: true).toList());

Using IO API

Using fs_shim.dart

You can simply replace in the above example:

final fs = fileSystemMemory;


final fs = fileSystemIo;

If you only target io, you can still be able to use File and Directory constructor, replace

import 'dart:io'

import 'package:fs_shim/fs_shim.dart';


import 'package:fs_shim/fs_io.dart';

Then a reduced set of the IO API can be used, same source code that might requires some cleanup if you import from existing code

Simple example

import 'package:fs_shim/fs_shim.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';

Future main() async {
  await exampleInit();
  final fs = fileSystemDefault;
  // safe place when running from package root
  final dirPath = join(Directory.current.path, 'test_out', 'example', 'dir');

  // Create a top level directory
  final dir = Directory(dirPath);
  print('dir: $dir');
  // delete its content
  if (await dir.exists()) {
    await dir.delete(recursive: true);

  // and a file in it
  final file = File(join(dir.path, 'file'));

  // create a file
  await file.create(recursive: true);
  await file.writeAsString('Hello world!');

  // read a file
  print('file: ${await file.readAsString()}');

  // use a file link if supported
  if (fs.supportsFileLink) {
    var link = Link(join(dir.path, 'link'));

    await link.create(basename(file.path));
    var linkFile = File(link.path);
    print('link: ${await linkFile.readAsString()}');

  // list dir content
  print(await dir.list(recursive: true, followLinks: true).toList());

Browser usage

You can simply replace in the in memory example:

final fs = fileSystemMemory;


final fs = fileSystemWeb;

Default implementation on browser uses fileSystemWeb

Random access support.

Random access is supported since version 2.1.0. Default web implementation is not optimized for random access support (it might change in the future).

You can specify a paging parameter (initial testing is good in some scenario with a 16Kb page, you might tune it for your needs).

import 'package:fs_shim/fs_browser.dart';

// Use default paging 16Kb
final fs =
  fileSystemWeb.withIdbOptions(options: FileSystemIdbOptions.pageDefault);

Storage remains compatible if the options is changed.


  • Lightweight glob support (**, * and ? in a posix style path)
  • Copy utilities (copy files, directories recursively)


Dev dependencies


fs_shim: any

Bleeding age

    git: https://github.com/tekartik/fs_shim.dart

Features and bugs

  • On windows file links are not supported (fs.supportsFileLink returns false)
  • On windows directory link target are absolutes
  • On the web, the size of the file system is limited by the limit size of indexedDB databases (browser dependent)