parseFile function

Future<FrontMatterDocument> parseFile(
  1. String path, {
  2. String delimiter = _defaultDelimiter,

Reads a file at path and parses the content to extract the front matter.


Future<FrontMatterDocument> parseFile(String path,
    {String delimiter = _defaultDelimiter}) async {
  var file = File(path);

  // Throw an error if file not found.
  if (!await file.exists()) {
    throw FrontMatterException(fileNotFoundError);

  try {
    var text = await file.readAsString();
    return parser(text, delimiter: delimiter);
  } catch (e) {
    // Handle downstream errors, or throw one if file is not readable as text.
    if (e is FrontMatterException && e.message == invalidYamlError) {
    } else {
      throw FrontMatterException(fileTypeError);