FrinoIcons class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


f_3d → const IconData
f_360 → const IconData
f_alarm → const IconData
f_align_center → const IconData
f_align_left → const IconData
f_align_right → const IconData
f_apps → const IconData
f_arrow_down → const IconData
f_arrow_down_circle → const IconData
f_arrow_left → const IconData
f_arrow_left_circle → const IconData
f_arrow_right → const IconData
f_arrow_right_circle → const IconData
f_arrow_up → const IconData
f_arrow_up_circle → const IconData
f_at → const IconData
f_attachment → const IconData
f_baby → const IconData
f_back → const IconData
f_backpack → const IconData
f_backspace → const IconData
f_backup → const IconData
f_bag → const IconData
f_ball → const IconData
f_basket → const IconData
f_basket_2 → const IconData
f_battery → const IconData
f_battery_half → const IconData
f_bed → const IconData
f_bed_single → const IconData
f_bell → const IconData
f_bell_slash → const IconData
f_bicycle → const IconData
f_birthday → const IconData
f_blog → const IconData
f_bluetooth → const IconData
f_bold → const IconData
f_book → const IconData
f_bookmark → const IconData
f_bow_tie → const IconData
f_box → const IconData
f_box_2 → const IconData
f_boxing → const IconData
f_briefcase → const IconData
f_brightness → const IconData
f_broadcast → const IconData
f_browser → const IconData
f_bucket → const IconData
f_bulb → const IconData
f_bus → const IconData
f_calculator → const IconData
f_calendar → const IconData
f_camera → const IconData
f_car → const IconData
f_cart → const IconData
f_cart_2 → const IconData
f_cart_add → const IconData
f_cash__1_ → const IconData
f_category → const IconData
f_chart_line → const IconData
f_chart_pie → const IconData
f_chat → const IconData
f_chat_text → const IconData
f_check → const IconData
f_check_circle → const IconData
f_check_list → const IconData
f_cherry → const IconData
f_child → const IconData
f_christmas_tree → const IconData
f_circle_empty → const IconData
f_circle_filled → const IconData
f_clepsydra → const IconData
f_clipboard → const IconData
f_clock → const IconData
f_clone → const IconData
f_close → const IconData
f_close_circle → const IconData
f_cloud_data → const IconData
f_cocktail → const IconData
f_code → const IconData
f_cog → const IconData
f_colour_palette → const IconData
f_company → const IconData
f_comparison → const IconData
f_compass → const IconData
f_connect → const IconData
f_contact_book → const IconData
f_contrast → const IconData
f_cook → const IconData
f_copy → const IconData
f_creative_commons → const IconData
f_credit_card → const IconData
f_crop → const IconData
f_cursor → const IconData
f_cut → const IconData
f_cutlery → const IconData
f_dashboard → const IconData
f_delete → const IconData
f_diamond → const IconData
f_diploma → const IconData
f_disabled → const IconData
f_disk → const IconData
f_download → const IconData
f_download_cloud_data → const IconData
f_download_square → const IconData
f_drag_drop → const IconData
f_drawer → const IconData
f_drone → const IconData
f_earth → const IconData
f_edit → const IconData
f_eject → const IconData
f_envelope → const IconData
f_envelope_circle → const IconData
f_eraser → const IconData
f_euro_circle → const IconData
f_exclamation_mark → const IconData
f_exclamation_mark_triangle → const IconData
f_eye → const IconData
f_eye_slash → const IconData
f_eyedropper → const IconData
f_face_happy__1_ → const IconData
f_face_neutral → const IconData
f_face_sad → const IconData
f_facebook_circle → const IconData
f_factory → const IconData
f_fashion → const IconData
f_fast_delivery → const IconData
f_fast_forward → const IconData
f_fast_rewind → const IconData
f_female → const IconData
f_file → const IconData
f_file_doc → const IconData
f_file_img → const IconData
f_file_mov → const IconData
f_file_mp3 → const IconData
f_file_mp4 → const IconData
f_file_pdf → const IconData
f_file_rar → const IconData
f_file_txt → const IconData
f_file_xls → const IconData
f_file_zip → const IconData
f_filter → const IconData
f_filter_2 → const IconData
f_fingerprint → const IconData
f_flag → const IconData
f_flag_triangle → const IconData
f_folder → const IconData
f_forward → const IconData
f_free → const IconData
f_fullscreen → const IconData
f_fullscreen_close → const IconData
f_gauge → const IconData
f_gavel → const IconData
f_gif → const IconData
f_gift → const IconData
f_globe → const IconData
f_google → const IconData
f_google_plus → const IconData
f_graduation_hat → const IconData
f_group → const IconData
f_gym → const IconData
f_hammer → const IconData
f_hanger → const IconData
f_headset_mic → const IconData
f_heart → const IconData
f_home → const IconData
f_home_simple → const IconData
f_hosting → const IconData
f_hq → const IconData
f_id → const IconData
f_image → const IconData
f_inbox → const IconData
f_indent → const IconData
f_infinity → const IconData
f_information → const IconData
f_iphone → const IconData
f_italic → const IconData
f_joystick → const IconData
f_justify → const IconData
f_key → const IconData
f_keyboard → const IconData
f_lab → const IconData
f_label → const IconData
f_landline_phone → const IconData
f_laptop → const IconData
f_layout_2_col → const IconData
f_layout_2_row → const IconData
f_layout_list → const IconData
f_layout_thumbnails → const IconData
f_leaf → const IconData
f_letters → const IconData
f_life_ring → const IconData
f_lightning → const IconData
f_linkedin → const IconData
f_list_ol → const IconData
f_list_ul → const IconData
f_lock → const IconData
f_login → const IconData
f_logout → const IconData
f_long_arrow_down → const IconData
f_long_arrow_left → const IconData
f_long_arrow_right → const IconData
f_long_arrow_up → const IconData
f_loyalty_card → const IconData
f_mail → const IconData
f_mail_multiple → const IconData
f_male → const IconData
f_map → const IconData
f_mark → const IconData
f_meat → const IconData
f_medal → const IconData
f_medicine → const IconData
f_megaphone → const IconData
f_menu → const IconData
f_microphone → const IconData
f_microphone_slash → const IconData
f_minus → const IconData
f_more → const IconData
f_more_horizontal → const IconData
f_movie_tape → const IconData
f_mug → const IconData
f_museum → const IconData
f_music → const IconData
f_navigate → const IconData
f_navigate_down → const IconData
f_navigate_left → const IconData
f_navigate_right → const IconData
f_navigate_up → const IconData
f_news → const IconData
f_next_track → const IconData
f_no_access → const IconData
f_note → const IconData
f_offline_mode → const IconData
f_opacity → const IconData
f_orientation_change → const IconData
f_packaging → const IconData
f_palm → const IconData
f_paragraph → const IconData
f_paste → const IconData
f_pause → const IconData
f_paypal → const IconData
f_pen → const IconData
f_phone_circle → const IconData
f_phone_classic → const IconData
f_phone_outline → const IconData
f_piggy_bank__1_ → const IconData
f_pin → const IconData
f_pinterest → const IconData
f_pinterest_official → const IconData
f_placeholder → const IconData
f_plane → const IconData
f_play → const IconData
f_playlist → const IconData
f_plug → const IconData
f_plus → const IconData
f_pointer → const IconData
f_pointer_down_circle → const IconData
f_pointer_left_circle → const IconData
f_pointer_right_circle → const IconData
f_pointer_up_circle → const IconData
f_pot_flower → const IconData
f_power → const IconData
f_preloader_1 → const IconData
f_preloader_2 → const IconData
f_presentation → const IconData
f_prev_track → const IconData
f_print → const IconData
f_private_mode → const IconData
f_private_mode__1_ → const IconData
f_projects → const IconData
f_pulse → const IconData
f_puzzle → const IconData
f_qr_code → const IconData
f_question → const IconData
f_quote_left → const IconData
f_quote_right → const IconData
f_radio → const IconData
f_random → const IconData
f_receipt → const IconData
f_record_circle → const IconData
f_recycling → const IconData
f_refresh → const IconData
f_rename → const IconData
f_repair → const IconData
f_repeat → const IconData
f_reply → const IconData
f_reply_all → const IconData
f_resize_arrow → const IconData
f_resize_square → const IconData
f_responsive → const IconData
f_rocket → const IconData
f_rocking_horse → const IconData
f_room_service → const IconData
f_rotate → const IconData
f_rotate_3d → const IconData
f_rss → const IconData
f_ruler → const IconData
f_sale → const IconData
f_save → const IconData
f_scale → const IconData
f_science → const IconData
f_screwdriver → const IconData
f_scroll → const IconData
f_search_2 → const IconData
f_search_classic → const IconData
f_select → const IconData
f_send → const IconData
f_settings → const IconData
f_share → const IconData
f_shield → const IconData
f_ship → const IconData
f_shop → const IconData
f_site_map → const IconData
f_skype → const IconData
f_slider → const IconData
f_smartphone → const IconData
f_snapchat → const IconData
f_sort → const IconData
f_sort_az → const IconData
f_sort_price_down → const IconData
f_sort_price_up → const IconData
f_sort_za → const IconData
f_star_filled → const IconData
f_star_half → const IconData
f_star_outline → const IconData
f_stempel → const IconData
f_sticky_notes → const IconData
f_stop → const IconData
f_stop_watch → const IconData
f_strikethrough → const IconData
f_subscript → const IconData
f_superscript → const IconData
f_switch → const IconData
f_syringe → const IconData
f_table → const IconData
f_target → const IconData
f_text_size → const IconData
f_thumb_down → const IconData
f_thumb_up__1_ → const IconData
f_touch_rotate → const IconData
f_touch_spread → const IconData
f_touch_tap → const IconData
f_train → const IconData
f_translate → const IconData
f_tree → const IconData
f_triangle_down → const IconData
f_triangle_left → const IconData
f_triangle_right → const IconData
f_triangle_up → const IconData
f_trolley → const IconData
f_trophy → const IconData
f_truck → const IconData
f_tv → const IconData
f_twitter_circle → const IconData
f_twitter_official → const IconData
f_umbrella → const IconData
f_uncheck → const IconData
f_uncheck_circle → const IconData
f_underline → const IconData
f_unlock → const IconData
f_upload → const IconData
f_upload_square → const IconData
f_user → const IconData
f_user_add → const IconData
f_user_circle → const IconData
f_vegetable → const IconData
f_video → const IconData
f_volume_down → const IconData
f_volume_mute → const IconData
f_volume_up → const IconData
f_vr → const IconData
f_wallet → const IconData
f_wand → const IconData
f_wheel → const IconData
f_wifi → const IconData
f_wine → const IconData
f_zoom_in → const IconData
f_zoom_out → const IconData