FT_CharMap typedef

FT_CharMap = Pointer<FT_CharMapRec_>

@type: FT_CharMap

@description: A handle to a character map (usually abbreviated to 'charmap'). A charmap is used to translate character codes in a given encoding into glyph indexes for its parent's face. Some font formats may provide several charmaps per font.

Each face object owns zero or more charmaps, but only one of them can be 'active', providing the data used by @FT_Get_Char_Index or @FT_Load_Char.

The list of available charmaps in a face is available through the face->num_charmaps and face->charmaps fields of @FT_FaceRec.

The currently active charmap is available as face->charmap. You should call @FT_Set_Charmap to change it.

@note: When a new face is created (either through @FT_New_Face or @FT_Open_Face), the library looks for a Unicode charmap within the list and automatically activates it. If there is no Unicode charmap, FreeType doesn't set an 'active' charmap.

@also: See @FT_CharMapRec for the publicly accessible fields of a given character map.


typedef FT_CharMap = ffi.Pointer<FT_CharMapRec_>;