FT_Bitmap typedef

FT_Bitmap = FT_Bitmap_

@struct: FT_Bitmap

@description: A structure used to describe a bitmap or pixmap to the raster. Note that we now manage pixmaps of various depths through the pixel_mode field.

@fields: rows :: The number of bitmap rows.

width :: The number of pixels in bitmap row.

pitch :: The pitch's absolute value is the number of bytes taken by one bitmap row, including padding. However, the pitch is positive when the bitmap has a 'down' flow, and negative when it has an 'up' flow. In all cases, the pitch is an offset to add to a bitmap pointer in order to go down one row.

Note that 'padding' means the alignment of a bitmap to a byte border, and FreeType functions normally align to the smallest possible integer value.

For the B/W rasterizer, pitch is always an even number.

To change the pitch of a bitmap (say, to make it a multiple of 4), use @FT_Bitmap_Convert. Alternatively, you might use callback functions to directly render to the application's surface; see the file example2.cpp in the tutorial for a demonstration.

buffer :: A typeless pointer to the bitmap buffer. This value should be aligned on 32-bit boundaries in most cases.

num_grays :: This field is only used with @FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY; it gives the number of gray levels used in the bitmap.

pixel_mode :: The pixel mode, i.e., how pixel bits are stored. See @FT_Pixel_Mode for possible values.

palette_mode :: This field is intended for paletted pixel modes; it indicates how the palette is stored. Not used currently.

palette :: A typeless pointer to the bitmap palette; this field is intended for paletted pixel modes. Not used currently.

@note: width and rows refer to the physical size of the bitmap, not the logical one. For example, if @FT_Pixel_Mode is set to FT_PIXEL_MODE_LCD, the logical width is a just a third of the physical one.


typedef FT_Bitmap = FT_Bitmap_;