Free Dictionary Api
Package to access the Free Dictionary API over HTTP.
Getting Started
In the pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
free_dictionary_api_v2: ^latest
Import it:
import 'package:free_dictionary_api_v2/free_dictionary_api_v2.dart';
Usage Examples
Create the FreeDictionaryApiV2 object as follows and get response with getDefinition
This function returns FreeDictionaryResponse
If there is an error, it throws a FreeDictionaryException
try {
final dictionary = FreeDictionaryApiV2();
final response = await dictionary.getDefinition('hello');
} on FreeDictionaryException catch (error, stackTrace) {
log('FreeDictionaryException:', error: error, stackTrace: stackTrace);
Error Handling
API throws FreeDictionaryException
in incorrect cases.
- FreeDictionaryExceptionType.noDefinitionFound
Word not found. You can search for another word.
- FreeDictionaryExceptionType.rateLimit
You can send 450 requests in 5 minutes with the same IP address.
- FreeDictionaryExceptionType.server
An error occurred on the server. Try again later.
- FreeDictionaryExceptionType.unexcepted
Something went wrong.
For more API documentation
visit Offical Site visit Github