flatMapTuple3<L, R, R2, R3> function

Either<L, Tuple3<R, R2, R3>> Function(Either<L, dynamic> either) flatMapTuple3<L, R, R2, R3>(
  1. Either<L, R3> f(
    1. dynamic a

A variant of flatMap that appends the result to a tuple.


Either<L, Tuple3<R, R2, R3>> Function(Either<L, Tuple2<R, R2>> either)
    flatMapTuple3<L, R, R2, R3>(
  Either<L, R3> Function(Tuple2<R, R2> a) f,
) =>
        fold(left, (t) => f(t).p(map((r3) => tuple3(t.first, t.second, r3))));