either library


Either<L, R>
Represents a value than can be one of two things - Left or Right.
Left<L, R>


alt<L, R>(Either<L, R> onLeft(L left)) Either<L, R> Function(Either<L, R> either)
Recieves an Either, and if it is a Left value replaces it with an alternative Either determined by executing the onLeft callback.
chainNullableK<L, R, R2>(R2? f(R right), L orElse(R right)) Either<L, R2> Function(Either<L, R> value)
A wrapper for fromNullableK, that allows for chaining.
chainTryCatchK<L, R, R2>(R2 f(R right), L onError(dynamic error, StackTrace stack)) Either<L, R2> Function(Either<L, R> value)
Runs the given function, and the result is wrapped in a Right. If it raises an error, then the onError callback determines the Left value.
Do<E, A>(DoFunction<E, A> f) Either<E, A>
filter<L, R>(bool predicate(R right), L orElse(R right)) Either<L, R> Function(Either<L, R> either)
Maybe converts an Either to a Left, determined by the given predicate.
flatMap<L, R, NR>(Either<L, NR> f(R value)) Either<L, NR> Function(Either<L, R> either)
Transforms Right values with the given function, that returns another Either. The resulting Either is then flattened / replaces the existing value.
flatMapTuple2<L, R, R2>(Either<L, R2> f(R value)) Either<L, dynamic> Function(Either<L, R> either)
A variant of flatMap that appends the result to a tuple.
flatMapTuple3<L, R, R2, R3>(Either<L, R3> f(dynamic a)) Either<L, Tuple3<R, R2, R3>> Function(Either<L, dynamic> either)
A variant of flatMap that appends the result to a tuple.
fold<L, R, T>(T ifLeft(L left), T ifRight(R right)) → T Function(Either<L, R> either)
Transforms an Either using the ifLeft and ifRight functions.
fromNullable<L, R>(R? value, Lazy<L> orElse) Either<L, R>
Create an Either from a nullable value. If the value is null, then the result of the orElse function is used as a Left value.
fromNullableK<A, L, R>(R? f(A value), L orElse(A value)) Either<L, R> Function(A value)
A wrapper for fromNullable, that returns a function that accepts a value to be transformed.
fromNullableWith<L, R>(Lazy<L> orElse) Either<L, R> Function(R? value)
A fromNullable variant that enforces the left and right types. Useful for function composition.
fromOption<L, R>(L onNone()) Either<L, R> Function(Option<R> option)
Converts an Option into an Either. If the Option is Some, then a Right is returned with the wrapped value. Otherwise, onNone will determine the Left value to return.
fromPredicate<L, R>(R value, bool predicate(R value), L orElse(R value)) Either<L, R>
Create an Either from a function that returns a bool.
fromPredicateK<L, R>(bool predicate(R value), L orElse(R value)) Either<L, R> Function(R value)
Wrapper for fromPredicate, that returns a function which transforms a value into an Either.
getOrElse<L, R>(R onLeft(L left)) → R Function(Either<L, R> either)
Unwraps an Either. If it is a Right value, then it returns the unwrapped value. If it is a Left, then the onLeft callback determines the fallback.
isLeft<L, R>(Either<L, R> either) bool
Returns true if the Either is a Left.
isRight<L, R>(Either<L, R> either) bool
Returns true if the Either is a Right.
left<L, R>(L value) Either<L, R>
Returns an Either that resolves to a Left value.
map<L, R, NR>(NR f(R value)) Either<L, NR> Function(Either<L, R> either)
Transforms the wrapped value if the Either is a Right.
mapLeft<L1, L2, R>(L2 f(L1 value)) Either<L2, R> Function(Either<L1, R> either)
Transforms the wrapped value if the Either is a Left.
Returns an Either that resolves to a Right value.
sequence<L, R>(Iterable<Either<L, R>> arr) Either<L, IList<R>>
Transform an iterable of Either, into an Either containing an IList of the results.
swap<L, R>(Either<L, R> either) Either<R, L>
Swaps the Left and Right type values.
tap<L, R>(void f(R value)) Either<L, R> Function(Either<L, R> either)
Perform a side effect on the Either, if it is a Right.
traverse<L, R1, R2>(Either<L, R2> f(R1 a)) Either<L, IList<R2>> Function(Iterable<R1>)
Transform an iterable of Either, into an Either containing an IList of the results.
tryCatch<L, R>(Lazy<R> f, L onError(dynamic error, StackTrace stack)) Either<L, R>
Runs the given function, and the result is wrapped in a Right. If it raises an error, then the onError callback determines the Left value.
tryCatchK<A, L, R>(R f(A value), L onError(dynamic error, StackTrace stack)) Either<L, R> Function(A value)
Runs the given function, and the result is wrapped in a Right. If it raises an error, then the onError callback determines the Left value.
unwrap<L, R>(Either<L, R> either) → R
Unwraps the value of an Either, throwing if the value is Left.


DoFunction<E, A> = A Function(_DoAdapter<E> $)

Exceptions / Errors
