FpdartOnIterable<T> extension

Get the first element of the Iterable. If the Iterable is empty, return None. Functional programming functions on a mutable dart Iterable using fpdart.



firstOption Option<T>
Get the first element of the Iterable. If the Iterable is empty, return None.
no setter
Get the first element of the Iterable. If the Iterable is empty, return None.
no setter
init Option<Iterable<T>>
Return all the elements of a Iterable except the last one. If the Iterable is empty, return None.
no setter
lastOption Option<T>
Get the last element of the Iterable. If the Iterable is empty, return None.
no setter
tail Option<Iterable<T>>
Return all the elements of a Iterable except the first one. If the Iterable is empty, return None.
no setter


all(bool test(T t)) bool
Checks whether every element of this Iterable satisfies test.
ap<B>(Iterable<B Function(T)> iterable) Iterable<B>
Apply all the functions inside iterable to this Iterable.
append(T element) Iterable<T>
Insert element at the end of the Iterable.
breakI(bool test(T t)) → (Iterable<T>, Iterable<T>)
Return a record where first element is longest prefix (possibly empty) of this Iterable with elements that do not satisfy test and second element is the remainder of the Iterable.
concat(Iterable<T> other) Iterable<T>
Creates the lazy concatenation of this Iterable and other.
delete(T element) Iterable<T>
Remove the first occurrence of element from this Iterable.
difference(Eq<T> eq, Iterable<T> other) Iterable<T>
Returns an Iterable containing the values of this Iterable not included in other based on eq.
drop(int n) Iterable<T>
Return the suffix of this Iterable after the first n elements.
dropWhileLeft(bool test(T t)) Iterable<T>
Remove all elements starting from the first as long as test returns true.
elem(T element) bool
Check if element is contained inside this Iterable.
filter(bool test(T t)) Iterable<T>
Returns the list of those elements that satisfy test.
filterWithIndex(bool test(T t, int index)) Iterable<T>
Returns the list of those elements that satisfy test.
flatMap<B>(Iterable<B> toElements(T t)) Iterable<B>
For each element of the Iterable apply function toElements and flat the result.
flatMapWithIndex<B>(Iterable<B> toElements(T t, int index)) Iterable<B>
Same as flatMap (extend) but provides also the index of each mapped element in the mapping function (toElements).
foldLeft<B>(B initialValue, B combine(B b, T t)) → B
Fold this Iterable into a single value by aggregating each element of the list from the first to the last.
foldLeftWithIndex<B>(B initialValue, B combine(B previousValue, T element, int index)) → B
Same as foldLeft (fold) but provides also the index of each mapped element in the combine function.
insertBy(Order<T> order, T element) Iterable<T>
Insert element into the list at the first position where it is less than or equal to the next element based on order (Order).
insertWith<A>(A extract(T instance), Order<A> order, T element) Iterable<T>
Insert element into the Iterable at the first position where it is less than or equal to the next element based on order (Order).
intersect(Iterable<T> iterable) Iterable<T>
Return the intersection of two Iterable (all the elements that both Iterable have in common).
intersperse(T middle) Iterable<T>
Return an Iterable placing an middle in between elements of the this Iterable.
mapWithIndex<B>(B toElement(T t, int index)) Iterable<B>
Same as map but provides also the index of each mapped element in the mapping function (toElement).
maximumBy(Order<T> order) Option<T>
The largest element of this Iterable based on order.
minimumBy(Order<T> order) Option<T>
The least element of this Iterable based on order.
notElem(T element) bool
Check if element is not contained inside this Iterable.
partition(bool test(T t)) → (Iterable<T>, Iterable<T>)
Return a record containing the values of this Iterable for which test is false in the first element, and the values for which it is true in the second element.
prepend(T element) Iterable<T>
Insert element at the beginning of the Iterable.
prependAll(Iterable<T> other) Iterable<T>
Insert all the elements inside other at the beginning of the Iterable.
sortBy(Order<T> order) List<T>
Sort this List based on order (Order).
sortWith<A>(A extract(T t), Order<A> order) List<T>
Sort this Iterable based on order of an object of type A extracted from T using extract.
sortWithDate(DateTime getDate(T instance)) List<T>
Sort this Iterable based on DateTime extracted from type T using getDate.
span(bool test(T t)) → (Iterable<T>, Iterable<T>)
Return a record where first element is longest prefix (possibly empty) of this Iterable with elements that satisfy test and second element is the remainder of the Iterable.
splitAt(int n) → (Iterable<T>, Iterable<T>)
Return a record where first element is an Iterable with the first n elements of this Iterable, and the second element contains the rest of the Iterable.
takeWhileLeft(bool test(T t)) Iterable<T>
Extract all elements starting from the first as long as test returns true.
zip<B>(Iterable<B> iterable) Iterable<(T, B)>
zip is used to join elements at the same index from two different Iterable into one Iterable of a record.
zipWith<B, C>(C combine(T t, B b), Iterable<B> iterable) Iterable<C>
Join elements at the same index from two different Iterable into one Iterable containing the result of calling combine on each element pair.