widgets/sheet library
A sheet is a panel that slides in from the edge of a screen.
- https://forui.dev/docs/overlay/sheet for working examples of a modal sheet.
T> - A route that represents a modal sheet. showFSheet should be preferred in most cases.
- FPersistentSheetController
- A sheet controller.
- FSheets
- Sheets that are displayed above its child. It is part of FScaffold, which should be preferred in most cases.
- FSheetStyle
- A sheet's style.
{required BuildContext context, required FLayout side, required Widget builder(BuildContext, FPersistentSheetController), FSheetStyle? style, double? mainAxisMaxRatio = 9 / 16, BoxConstraints constraints = const BoxConstraints(), bool draggable = true, Offset? anchorPoint, bool useSafeArea = false, bool keepAliveOffstage = false, Key? key}) → FPersistentSheetController - Shows a persistent sheet that appears above the current widget. It should have a FSheets or FScaffold ancestor.
T> ({required BuildContext context, required WidgetBuilder builder, required FLayout side, FSheetStyle? style, double? mainAxisMaxRatio = 9 / 16, String? barrierLabel, bool barrierDismissible = true, BoxConstraints constraints = const BoxConstraints(), bool draggable = true, RouteSettings? routeSettings, AnimationController? transitionAnimationController, Offset? anchorPoint, bool useSafeArea = false}) → Future< T?> -
Shows a modal sheet that appears from the given