FResizableController.cascade constructor

  1. void onResizeUpdate(
    1. List<FResizableRegionData> resized
  2. void onResizeEnd(
    1. UnmodifiableListView<FResizableRegionData> all

Creates a FResizableController that cascades shrinking of a region below their minimum extents to its neighbours.

onResizeUpdate is called while a resizable region and its neighbours are being resized. Most users should prefer onResizeEnd, which is called only after the regions have bee resized.

onResizeEnd is called after a resizable region and its neighbours have been resized.

See for a working example.


factory FResizableController.cascade({
  void Function(List<FResizableRegionData> resized)? onResizeUpdate,
  void Function(UnmodifiableListView<FResizableRegionData> all)? onResizeEnd,
}) = _CascadeController;