date static method

FCalendarController<DateTime?> date({
  1. DateTime? initialSelection,
  2. Predicate<DateTime>? selectable,
  3. bool truncateAndStripTimezone = true,

Creates a FCalendarController that allows only a single date to be selected, with the given initially selected date.

selectable will always return true if not given.

truncateAndStripTimezone determines whether the controller should truncate and convert all given DateTimes to dates in UTC timezone. Defaults to true.

DateTime truncateAndStripTimezone(DateTime date) => DateTime.utc(date.year, date.month,;

truncateAndStripTimezone should be set to false if you can guarantee that all dates are in UTC timezone (with the help of a 3rd party library), which will improve performance. Warning: Giving a DateTime in local timezone or with a time component when truncateAndStripTimezone is false is undefined behavior.


Throws AssertionError if initialSelection is not in UTC timezone and truncateAndStripTimezone is false.


static FCalendarController<DateTime?> date({
  DateTime? initialSelection,
  Predicate<DateTime>? selectable,
  bool truncateAndStripTimezone = true,
}) =>
        ? _AutoDateController(initialSelection: initialSelection, selectable: selectable)
        : _DateController(initialSelection: initialSelection, selectable: selectable);