GlyphRenderer constructor

  1. String glyphSrc,
  2. Map<int, int> _charToGlyphIndex,
  3. Vec2 _charSize,
  4. CanvasRenderingContext2D context,
  5. int scale,

Create a new GlyphRenderer using the given glyphSrc path or URL to the glyph sheet, a Map of character codes to glyph indices in the glyph sheet, and the size of a single glyph in pixels. Also provide a canvas 2D rendering context and a scale value for better rendering on high-density displays (e.g., Apple Retina screens).


GlyphRenderer(String glyphSrc, this._charToGlyphIndex, this._charSize,
    html.CanvasRenderingContext2D context, int scale)
    : _maxGlyphIndex = _charToGlyphIndex.values.reduce(math.max),
      super(scale, context) {
  // setup glyphs image loading handling
  _glyphsOnLoad = _glyphs.onLoad.first;
      (e) => throw StateError('Failed to load glyphs from ${_glyphs.src}'));

  // start loading the image
  _glyphs.src = glyphSrc;

  print('CHAR width ${_charSize.x}, height ${_charSize.y}');