measureText static method

Vec2 measureText(
  1. CanvasRenderingContext2D context,
  2. String font, [
  3. String? text

Measure the size of the given text (or a single character by default) in pixels using the given 2D context and the given CSS font string.


static Vec2 measureText(html.CanvasRenderingContext2D context, String font,
    [String? text]) {
  text ??= 'a';
  context.textBaseline = 'top';
  context.font = font;
  var metrics = context.measureText(String.fromCharCode(0x2588));

  // get the width
  int left = metrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft?.round() ?? 0;
  int right = metrics.actualBoundingBoxRight?.round() ?? 0;
  int width = math.max(metrics.width?.round() ?? 0, left.abs() + right.abs());

  // get the height
  int ascent = metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent?.round() ?? 0;
  int descent = metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent?.round() ?? 0;
  int height = ascent.abs() + descent.abs();

      'MEASURE: left $left, right $right, ascent $ascent, descent $descent');
  print('CHAR width $width, height $height');

  return Vec2(width, height);