Char.create constructor

  1. Object charOrCharCode, [
  2. Color? foreground,
  3. Color? background

Creates a new Char for the given charOrCharCode (which must be an int or non-empty String) using the optional foreground and background Colors.


factory Char.create(Object charOrCharCode,
    [Color? foreground, Color? background]) {
  if (charOrCharCode is String && charOrCharCode.isNotEmpty) {
    return Char(charOrCharCode.codeUnits[0], foreground, background);
  } else if (charOrCharCode is int) {
    return Char(charOrCharCode, foreground, background);
  } else {
    throw ArgumentError.value(charOrCharCode, 'charOrCharCode',
        'Argument must be a non-empty String or an int');