A new Flutter package, send a valid json and receive a rendered form.
Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. The library was created to render and handle custom forms through a particular json
Library Install
Add the last version of the library to your pubspect.yaml file
dependencies: ... forms_library: ^1..
Library Structure
For the correct functioning of the library it is necessary to send it at least a valid json wich contain the fields in the following format:
"id": "", //field id unique
"idProducto": "",
"orden": "0",
"tipo": "5", //field type
"editable": "1", //1 to allow users to edit field or 0 to not allow edits
"validacion": ^[\\s\\S]+$",//regex expr to validate received data
"valorDefecto": "",
"visible": "1",
"dependeDe": "",
"claveDependencia": "",
"etiqueta": "", //name displayed on the field
"campoProtocolo": "4",
"etiquetaProtocolo": "",
"pantallaAyuda": "",
"descripcion": "",
"tamMax": "", //max lenght
"postTransaccion": "0"
"id": "",
"idProducto": "",
"orden": "1",
"tipo": "8",
"editable": "1",
"validacion": "^[\\s\\S]+$",
"valorDefecto": "",
"visible": "1",
"dependeDe": "",
"claveDependencia": "",
"etiqueta": "Nombre",
"campoProtocolo": "3",
"etiquetaProtocolo": "nombre",
"pantallaAyuda": "",
"descripcion": "",
"tamMax": "",
"postTransaccion": "0"
Type of fields allowed
Depends on the 'type' value sent on the json, it will render a different field.
Type 1 - Select
Allow user to select given different options

"etiqueta":"Tipo documento",
To send the options array you have to send the dependencies json, the id should be the same of this product id
Type 2 - Input Numbers / Type 8 - Input Text
Different types of inputs, for numbers or any text / characters

"etiqueta":"Código postal",
Type 3 - Checkbox / Type 7 - Checkbox with url

"etiqueta":"Acepta Condiciones",
Type 4 - Date
Allow to set dates - format (dd-mm-yyyy)

"etiqueta":"Fecha nacimiento (dd-mm-aaaa)",
Type 5 - Separator
Just one larger size tag to separate groups of fields
"etiqueta":"Datos de la tarjeta SIM",
Type 6 - Product Amounts
Select a numerical amount to charge the card balance. It has a numeric type input, and some predefined figures in a horizontal list

"valorDefecto":"0-300(1)|5,10,15,20,25,30,50", //first value -> range / second -> default amounts
Type 16 - Select Plus
Select an image between some figures in a horizontal list. Each item have an image url and a text below

Type 17 - Redirection
Allows you to directly open an external app, if it is installed, otherwise it will open in the store"
"descripcion":"permite abrir directamente una app externa, si está instalada, en caso contrario abrirá en la store",
Load Form
Import the library and use FormModule sending the json data to render the form.
You have to use FormModule with these parameters:
- Fields Json (wich would be the file that contains all the fields)
- Dependencies Json: Initial dependencies (fields values wich need to be consulted within an external api call)
- Data callback: to get the form data after being validated
- Dependencies Callback: to get new field values after check dependencies, and send them again to the library
import 'package:forms_library/form_library/di/app_module.dart';
//receive data in json
(data) {
// return the form fields data when they have already been validated
print("DATA FORM: ${data}");
(List<dynamic> params,
DependencyCheckedCallback onDependencyResult) async {
final t = await ....
//return field values after check dependencies
External Packages
The library depends on the following dependencies

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
- form_library/core/error/failure
- form_library/core/service/dependency_service
- form_library/core/util/debounce
- form_library/core/util/widket_key_data
- form_library/entity/dependency_entity
- form_library/entity/field_default_value_entity
- form_library/entity/field_entity
- form_library/entity/field_type
- form_library/entity/form_entity
- form_library/entry/app_module
- form_library/my_json_form_library
- form_library/presentation/bloc/fields_bloc
- form_library/presentation/controller/parse_json_form
- form_library/presentation/my_json_form_main
- form_library/presentation/views/combination/combination
- form_library/presentation/views/pages/field_page
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/common/custom_info_bar
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/common/platform_alert_dialog
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/field_Event_info
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/field_event_info
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/field_item
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/alpha_input_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/amount_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/checkbox_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/date_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/input_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/label_inputs_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/multi_input_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/qr_code_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/redirect_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/secure_input_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/select_plus_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/fields/select_widget
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/multi_field_info
- form_library/presentation/views/widgets/single_field_info
- forms_library