Hex.range constructor

  1. int min,
  2. int max, {
  3. String? mal,
  4. String? short,
  5. String? long,

Constrains the input data to the hex-digits 0-9A–F and its length (number of hex-digits) within the range min–max.

min the minimum number of hex-digits; it must be > 0 and < max. max the maximum number of hex-digits; it must be > 0 and > min. mal the error message if non-hex characters are found; the default value is 'non-hex-digit character(s) found'. short the error message if the input length is shorter than min digits. long the error message if the input length is longer than max digits.


Hex.range(int min, int max, {String? mal, String? short, String? long})
    : assert(min > 0),
      assert(max > 0),
      assert(max > min),
      _valHex = _HexImpl(
        Len.range(min, max, short: short, long: long),